
This page describes past events, publications, and other activities of Friends of Old Annville. Browsing through these activities will give you a picture of the work of Friends of Old Annville.

Friends of Old Annville Annual Dinner Meeting

Held on Saturday Nov. 12, 2022

Approximately 35 FOOA members gathered together for our Annual Dinner Meeting on Saturday, November 12 at the American Legion on S. Manheim St. in Annville. Following a wine and hors d'oeuvres social, we were treated to a marvelous buffet dinner prepared by Becky Briody's Chef on the Go.

Following dessert, President Michael Schroeder presented a slide show covering the many activities and events carried out by Friends of Old Annville in 2022. President Schroeder then led a business meeting that included election of a slate of officers of the Board of Directors, a treasurer's report by Matt Woolson, and a presentation of the Historic Building Award to Rotunda Restaurant and Brewry (see image) for their restoration of that historic treasure in Annville.

Our featured speaker Mike Emery, Site Administrator at Cornwall Iron Furnace, spoke on "The Hidden History of Cornwall Iron Furnace," giving us all real insight into the history of the iron furnace and the iron mines in Cornwall.

The Splendid Stone Structures of Annville

A Walking Tour

Friends of Old Annville Spring Program

Sunday, May 15 at 2-4 PM

Meet behind Christ UCC Church on South White Oak Street in Annville

On a beautiful spring afternoon in Annville, approximately 60 participants walked Annville's historic neighborhoods, stopping to view the exteriors of fifteen stately and substantial limestone structures and briefly reviewing historical aspects of each.

If you missed this tour, you can walk it anytime as a self-guided tour using the detailed tour information in the link below.