Annville Videos
The two videos above, and those immediately below were created, over a period of three years (2010-2013), as student group projects in classes taught by Professor Marie Bongiovanni at Lebanon Valley College
Quittie Creek Pedestrian Bridge
Quittie Creek Stream Bank Restoration
Annville Log Cabin (Mary Lou Harris)
Restoration of the Lorenz Home
Historic Annville Train Station
Other Annville/FOOA Videos created by the persons shown in parentheses.
Interview with Dick Charles, April 2018(Mike Schroeder)
The Allen Theater (Skip Hicks interviewed by Jo Ellen Litz)
2014 Historic Old Annville Day
History of Millard Quarry (Paul Fullmer via Jo Ellen Litz)
History of 151 East Main Street Properties Restored by Annville Center Project (Kathy Moe and Paul Fullmer via Jo Ellen Litz)
Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Signs(Mike Schroeder and Patrick Donmoyer via Jo Ellen Litz)
Quittie Creek Stream Bank Restoration Project (Mike Schroeder)
Quittie Creek Garbage Museum in Annville (Mike Schroeder)